

1.There is some confusion aboutwhat we should do next.
2.The little boy turned to me forhelp.
3.The scores gap between the twoteams has narrowed to just 12 points now.
4.It was small businesses thatled the charge against health care changes.
5.People tend to need less sleepas they get older.
6.I seem to recall I’ve met himbefore somewhere.
7.He committed suicide during afit of depression.
8.In nursing,women stilloutnumber men by four to one.
9.She sat there alone for hours,tortured by jealousy.
10.Roughly speaking,I’d say weneed about 500 dollars.
11.The best treatment for a coldis to rest and drink lots of water.
12.If you have any questions,youcan raise your hand.
13.The wining party will form thegovernment.
14.It was generally a positiveconversation.
15.Your computer is far superiorto mine.
16.He didn’t bother to answer thequestion.
17.She agreed,but she did notsound very convinced.
18.He was determined to stick tohis decision.
19.This film has been showncountless times.
20.The key issue is whetherworkers should be classified as “employees”.
21.Mary is qualified to teachbiology at high school level.
22.The film has certainly lived upto my expectations.
