

1.Is the earth round The little boy asked.(改为宾语从句)
The little boy asked()the earth ()round.
2.He likes the book.So does she.(合并为一句)
()he ()she() the book.
3.Let's hurry ,or we'll be late.(改为复合句)
()we ()hurry ,we ()()late.
4.They couldn't catch the train because of the heavy traffic.(保持句意不变)
They heavy traffic()them ()the train.
5.My brother has been away from home for two days.(保持句意不变)
My brother ()home two days ().He hasn't come back home yet.

1.Is the earth round ?The little boy asked.(改为宾语从句)
The little boy asked(if)the earth (is)round.
2.He likes the book.So does she.(合并为一句)
(Bith)he (and)she(like) the book.
3.Let's hurry ,or we'll be late.(改为复合句)
(If)we (don't)hurry ,we (would)(be)late.
4.They couldn't catch the train because of the heavy traffic.(保持句意不变)
They heavy traffic(stoped)them (to)the train. (不太确定)
5.My brother has been away from home for two days.(保持句意不变)
My brother (left)home two days (ago).He hasn't come back home yet.