

1.昨天报纸上公布了他去世的消息.(give out)
2.他不能面对现实生活中的困难,却沉迷网络空间.(resort to)
3.虽有战争的威胁,人们依然一如既往地工作着.(go about)
4.成功是不能用(in terms of) 金钱来衡量的.(measure)
5.这次事故给了他一个教训,从那以后他再也不会酒后驾车了.(teach someone a lesson)

1.Newspaper gave out news he died yesterday.
2.He can not confront to difficulties in reality but resort to internet.
3.People go about working as usual,although threated by war.
4.Succeeding can not be measured in term of money.
5.The accident taught him a lesson,he never drives after drinking alcohol since then.