

我的才艺是给大家来一段产品发布会,接下来我将作为一名设计师来叙述iPad Air的强大

My talent is to give you a New Products Launching Show,in the following time,I will be a designer of iPad Air to show you how powerful it is !这中文意思就感觉有点不太对呀,我的才艺是...,你这是要说才艺...对啊,my talent show will be a new products launching, so in the following time, as a designer of iPad Air, I will show you how powerful it is ! 这样翻译会比较顺一些。大神!谢谢,那“它正在我手中”怎 么说,on还是inI have it in my hand right now./It is in my hand now.