几道英语连词成句题1. you,head,can,put,hands,your,on,your (?)2. are,what,doing,elephants,the,there (?)3. a,it,nature,big,what,park,is (!)4. climbers,are,monkeys,good (.)5. looking,do,like,after,you,cats,the (?)拜托了


1. you,head,can,put,hands,your,on,your (?)
2. are,what,doing,elephants,the,there (?)
3. a,it,nature,big,what,park,is (!)
4. climbers,are,monkeys,good (.)
5. looking,do,like,after,you,cats,the (?)


You can put you hands on your head你可以把你的手放在你的头上
What are the elephants doing there这些大象在那边做什么
What a big nature park it is这是个多么大的自然公园啊
Monkeys are good climbers猴子是很好的攀援者
Do you like the cats looking after you你喜欢现在正在你后面看你的小猫吗

1.Can you put your hands on your head?你可以把你的手放在你的头上吗?
2.What are the elephants doing there?这些大象在那边做什么?
3.What a big nature park it is!这是个多么大的自然公园啊!
4.Monkeys are good climbers.猴子是很好的攀援者.
5.Do you like looking after the cats?你喜欢照顾小猫吗?

1. Can you put your hands on your head?
2. What are the elephants doing there?
3. What a big nature park it is!
4. Monkeys are good climbers.
5. Do you like looking after the cats?