

1 重庆在中国的西南方,这里有很多山,有河,还有热情的人.
2 重庆市中国的直辖市,是中国的3大火炉之1.
3 这个是重庆的城市标志,两个人组成一个庆字.
4 这个是码头,左面是嘉陵江 右面是长江 这是他们的交汇处.
5 重庆是个很年轻的城市,它正在努力的成长.
6 这里是重庆的商业中心,非常繁华.
7 重庆的购物中心,周末的时候这里会有很多美女在这里.
8 晚上的重庆更漂亮,非常拥挤的城市.
9 这里是重庆的大学
10 重庆的涂鸦街,很特别
11 田亮是跳水运动员
12 火锅是重庆的特色,对外地人来说它很辣,有好多辣椒.
13 在重庆 到处可以见到火锅馆,每个火锅馆的生意都很好,因为是重庆人都喜欢吃它的.

1.Chongqing,where there are many mountains,rivers and warm-hearted people,lies in the south- west of China.
2.Chongqing is one of the Chinese municipalities,and it is also one of the three hottest cities in China.
3.This is the symbol of Chongqing city,two "ren" makes a "qing" in Chinese.
4.Here is the dock,on the left is Jialing River,and on the right is Changjing River,and here is where them meet.
5.Chongqing is a young city in rapid growth.
6.Here is the busy commercial centre of Chongqing.
7.You can see many beauties in the Chongqing Mall at weekends.
8.Chongqing looks even more beautiful at night,and it is very crowded too.
9.Here is Chongqing University.
10.The Tuya Street of Chongqing is unique.
11.Tian Liang is a professional diver.
12.Chinese Hot Pot is the feature of Chongqing,It is quite hot for the people coming from other places,with many peppers in it.
13.The Hot Pot retaurants can be seen everywhere in Chongqing,their business is all good,for the Chongqing people all like eating it.