with one step into the 12th five-year-plan,the appreciation of renminbi has once more become the focus of the whole world.During the period between the exchange rate reform in Jluy 2005 and the end of 2010,the appreciation of renminbi against dollar amounted to 25%,and 14% against euro.in the meantime,what we feel most immediate is the conflict between the depreciation outside and the appreciation inside the country of the purchase ability of renminbi.recently the internal and external tendency of therenminbi's value have diverted from each other and is still gaping in between.this paper makes an analysis through a collection of some charts regarding the middle exchange rate of renminbi ,the CPI index ,etc.,and tries to identify the cause of this phenomenon and its impact on economy ,and advance some solutions and advises.It is hoped that this study will encourage more experts to concern the disparity of renminbi between inside and outside,and raise more new approachs ,and make contribution to the stady and continuing development of chinese economy.请自己把句首字母等改成大写.