

1.“Do you wash your clothes yourself?” Tom asked the girl next to him.(改为复合句)
2.Tom’s father saw him sitting on the eggs.(同上)
3.Mrs.While told Tom not to throw paper on the ground.(同上)
4.Please tell me where we show our tickets.(改为简单句,原意不变)
5.Can you tell me hoe I can get to the post office?(同上)
6.Rose doesn’t know when they are going to repair the watch.(同上)
7.The teacher told the boys what they should do and how they should do it.(同上)
8.The earth moves around the sun.The teacher said.(改为宾语从句)
9.Are you hungry?My mother asked me.(同上)
10.Why hasn’t she come yet?Nobody knows.(同上)

1.Tom asked the girl nexn to him that whether she washed her clothes herself.2.Tom's father saw that Tom was sitting on the eggs.3.Mrs.White told Tom that he should not throw paper on the ground.4.Ple...