He asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful


He asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful

be +形容词.
不是手术被成功了,所以不能用had been succeeded
been 后面也不用动词原形的.
success 是名词,成功.
可说 a success.
lz,希望能解开你的疑团.大哥这是新概念的原文,你想翻案吗???不是啊。我就是说用形容词啊。哦我看错了。。。。那have been adj是什么句型呢。。求几个例句现在完成时态 
has\ havebeen + adj
the company has been open for 20 years.
lz , 其实这就是一个完成时态,不同点在于,这里是用了be +adj,替换了动词的过去分词。

I have visited the city twice.