

First of all,we gladly heard that you have come back to the important position:Managing Director Of NIDC,and we all believe that with your wise supervision NIDC will get more achievement in the near future.
It’s great honor for MSP/DRILEX to participate in the two important projects of NIDC:South Yaran Project ,Azar Project and some other projects,and we hope under your leadership we can have more chance to make service for NIDC.
During past several years ,MSP/DRILEX have successfully supplied 5sets of sub-sea wellhead and Christmas tree,and we have purchased many sets of modern and high-tech machines such as ultra-sonic tungsten carbide and cobalt coating machines for HH valves,HH-Cladding machines,CNC machines for large solid block X’mas to increase our production capacity .
We sincerely invite you to pay a visit to MSP/DRILEX factory at your convenient time to witness our recent improvement and guide our work.

we are so glad to heard have came :(不用)可以改为 ,
It’s a great honor
under your leadership不能这样用,改为we can have more chance to make service for NIDC
with you.就好 5sets of sub-sea wellhead and Christmas tree这个名词应该用复数吧