great 一词在新概念哪课
great 一词在新概念哪课
宵宵,UNIT 2.
- 3.Where did two man take the parcel after the arrival of the plane?(新概念第二册第七课课后题)Summary writing(新概念第二册第七课)3.Where did two man take the parcel after the arrival of the plane?Answer:Two man took the parcel into the Customs House after the arrival of the plane.where是对地点提问,而take是及物动词,单独看这句:Where did two man take the parcel 我认为翻译过来应该是two man 在where,take了the parcel,那问题就是two man在哪take了the parcel,但是标准回答却是two man take 了 the parcel 去了哪?为什么?我认为如果问拿了包裹去了哪parcel后
- 新概念第二册 第七课 Where did two man take the parcel after the arrival of the plane?Summary wtriting3.Where did two man take the parcel after the arrival of the plane?Aanswer:Two man took the parcel into the Customs House after the arrival of the plane.1.where是对地点提问,问的是在哪take的parcel,怎么答案回答的是take the parcel以后去了哪?2.after the arrival of the plane.翻译过来是飞机到达以后.这个句子是什么用法 arrival和of 是如何使用的,可不可以改成after the plane arrived
- 关于高三学生背诵新概念英语第三册我准备高三了,在高一高二的假期虽然也学完了新三的课文,可是都没有背过,平时也是阅读完形不太好,想提高一下,我想用高三的时间背一背,可是因为高三比较辛苦,可能一个星期只能背一篇,所以不可能把整本书都背完,以我这样的速度最多只能背前30课左右了.(后面的课文不是我不想背,时间和精力都很有限呀!)1.只背前30课会有进步吗?2.除了背诵新三课文,每天大概做多少篇阅读理解合适呢?我比较担心阅读完形还有作文.
- in five hours'time.新概念第一册95课最后一句,是在五个小时以内还是以外?书上说是以外,那以内怎么表达
- 新概念英语3,第5课中有个句子是:while counting the 1084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wallwhich surrounded the president's palace.这里的wall which surrounded the president's palace.算不算是在描述一种事实?而我又可不可以理解成在叙述过去的事情又涉及事实时就一般都用过去时态?
- “will be +动词ing” 和“ will +动词”有什么区别?在新概念2 61课看到 “the shuttle endeavour "will be sending up" four astronauts to repair it 还有一句a robot -arm from the endeavour "will grab " the telescope and hold it
- 新4第4课:Such is human nature,that a great many people are willing to sacrifice higher pay for the【Such】is human nature,that a great many people are willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.很多人宁愿牺牲较高的工钱以换取当白领丽人的优越感 这也是人性使然.词句中 such在句首强调 后面据说要倒装 但我看不出哪儿倒装了?是不是is这个词倒装了?
- 春秋以前我国土地归谁所有?春秋战国时期我国土地所有者发生了什么变化?这种变化是怎样产生的?由此在农村出现了哪两个阶段?这是初一的历史第九课:战国时期的社会大变革.)
- 根据所给的汉语完成句子,每空一词.3q 1.轮到你收拾房间了.It's you turn to _______ ______ the room.2.他什么时候开始上钢琴课的?When did he _____ ____ ____ _____ 3.他们在电话 里谈了多长时间?How long did they ______ ______ ______ _____?4.杰克主动提出帮助我.Jack _____ ______ help me.5.很抱歉你失去了这次好.l'm sorry that you 've ____ _____ ______ _____.
- 新概念第三册27课,he has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully,awareof the consequences.请问大家lead the life he leads 翻译过来是固意选择他想要过的生活,可是,lead 不是领导的意思吗?谁能帮我详细理解一下这个短句.谢谢还有最后一句,their freedom from care.中的care是什么意思?28课:the man went to great lengths to prove that the diamonds were real.中went to great lengths 做何解释?翻译书上写的是,滔滔不绝讲了又讲,可是从字面的意思我理解不了。
- 纯金属结晶与合金结晶有什么异同
- 镍铬合金的电阻随温度怎么变化呀?