“will be +动词ing” 和“ will +动词”有什么区别?在新概念2 61课看到 “the shuttle endeavour "will be sending up" four astronauts to repair it 还有一句a robot -arm from the endeavour "will grab " the telescope and hold it


“will be +动词ing” 和“ will +动词”有什么区别?
在新概念2 61课看到 “the shuttle endeavour "will be sending up" four astronauts to repair it
还有一句a robot -arm from the endeavour "will grab " the telescope and hold it

will do 是说 将来要做…… 内容上侧重做的内容will be doing 是 将来某时在做 强调时间I will read this book.我会看这本书的.(强调“会看”)I will be reading this book tomorrow morning.(不仅“会看”,而且...