The opening of national borders (to) the flow of goods services has made universities a powerful


The opening of national borders (to) the flow of goods services has made universities a powerful
force (for) global integration .请问括号出to和for有什么区别.感觉to和for两地方都可用,还有to和for有什么主要区别?

1 open sth to sb
向某人开放- -- -
介词当然是 to
to ==for sb to have / get .

2 a powerful force for sb
对某人来说是劲旅 / 强大的*
for ==as far as sb is concerned2不对吧,应该是成为全球化的重要力量吧,翻译是这样的。应该是成为全球化的重要力量--------这是翻译。a powerful force for sb -------这是语法讲解啊,不是翻译。我主要想明白for和to,有时很混乱。最好有ofto和for不是随便能用的。需要有上下文才行啊。