Seek first to understand What is the difference between a man and a beast?Sometimes it is hard to tell, but the most important characteristic that sets man apart from all other creatures is language: the ability to communicate through spoken or written word.Through words we can touch one another’s minds – and yet it is strange how seldom and how fleetingly our minds meet.Most of us do not learn to communicate very well. What is the difference between a man and a beast? Sometimes it is hard to tell, but the most important characteristic that sets man apart from all other creatures is language: the ability to communicate through spoken or written word. Through words we can touch one another’s minds – and yet it is strange how seldom and how fleetingly our minds – and yet it is strange how seldom and how fleetingly our minds meet. Most of us do not learn to communicate very well.Most people don’t listen with the intention of understanding; they listen with the intention of replying.They are either speaking or preparing to speak.