

Pioneer's lives were different from the lives of many people today.Any neighbors they had usually lived many miles away.There were no football or basketball games.There were no teams to play these sports.There were no movies or TV.There were almost no books or newspapers to read.Sometimes they got together.Just being together was an adventure.Everything people did together,and even work was fun.It was an exciting treat to be with other families.So it was natural that the pioneers found some time to play when they got together to work.When a family had a big job to be done,neighbors would gather from great distances to help.They called this gathering a "bee".The pioneers had many kinds of bees.In the spring they gathered to help each other plow the land and plant the fields.In the fall,when harvest time came,they helped each other again.Sometimes the women and girls gathered for quilting or sewing bees.While they sewed they visited.They told each other what had happened to them in the days they had been alone.When they finished,they had quilts and clothes to keep their families warm.A house-raising was one of the best gatherings.When a family needed a house or barn,everyone from miles around came to help.The men and boys worked hard all day to lay the logs.Then they put on the roof,covered the windows and made the door.Meanwhile the women cooked big meals for the hungry workers and the small children played.After the house was raised or the work was done,everyone was ready to have a good time.While they were eating supper,many tales and jokes were told.After supper they enjoyed contests,singing and dancing.

