中西方饮食文化的差异 用英文回答


中西方饮食文化的差异 用英文回答

hey bro,i think u've posted in the wrong place.but never mind,i'll give u a proper response,haha
The differences in food and dining culture between China and the western world
Chinese dining culture:
1.People prefer to share the food together.
2.People like to order many dishes and having all of them on the table at once.
3.Bills are generally paid by one gentleman,haha
Western dining culture:
1.People prefer to eat their own food.
2.There is a sequence of ordering.First,appetizer,then comes the main course finally the desert.One plate at a time.
3.Bills are generally shared among every one.
r u actually asking someone to write an essay on this topic for well,u know,post it to the english section nxt tym,cheers!