Our hometown is more beautiful than before,


Our hometown is more beautiful than before,
.Swimming in the pool with friends_very interesting
A;has B;have C;is
.Some of my classmates_from other cities
A;comes B;is C;are
This is my twin sister Lucy.Both she and I_good at drawing.
A;am B;is C;are
The professor,together with his son,_Lanzhou_Beijing
A;have left;for B;has left;for C;have left;to
My family_having supper when suddenly the bell rang
A;is B;was C;were
The singer and dancer_come to our school
A;have B;has C;were
A number of children_for the teacher to come now
A;is waiting B;are waiting C;waits
19.The students each_a dictionary now.
A;has B;have C;has got

Our hometown is more beautiful than before,(isn't) it?
Swimming in the pool with friends (C) very interesting.
A;has B;have C;is
“Swimming in the pool with friends ”指一件事,为单数.is+interesting形成系表结构.
Some of my classmates (C) from other cities.
A;comes B;is C;are
“Some of my classmates”我的一些同学,为复数,使用are
This is my twin sister Lucy.Both she and I ( C )good at drawing.
A;am B;is C;are
The professor,together with his son,( B )Lanzhou_Beijing.
A;have left;for B;has left;for C;have left;to
The professor主语为单数,together with his son只是一个插入语
My family( A) having supper when suddenly the bell rang.
A;is B;was C;were
My family我的家人(我们一家),作为一个整体.
The singer and dancer (A) come to our school.
A;have B;has C;were
and并列singer 和 dancer ,为复数,谓语用have
A number of children (B )for the teacher to come now
A;is waiting B;are waiting C;waits
A number of大量的……,谓语用复数形式
The students each (A )a dictionary now.
A;has B;have C;has got
each 每个人,所以是单数.