I spend about one and a half hours doing my homework every day (同义句)( ) ( ) ( ) one and a half hours ( ) ( ) my homwwork every day


I spend about one and a half hours doing my homework every day (同义句)
( ) ( ) ( ) one and a half hours ( ) ( ) my homwwork every day

(It) (takes) ( me ) one and a half hours (to) ( do ) my homwwork every day

It's take me one and a half hours to do my homework every day.

It takes me one and a half hours to do my homework everyday.

It take me about one and a half hours to do my homwwork every day.

It takes me to finish

( It ) ( takes ) (me ) one and a half hours ( to ) ( do ) my homwwork every day
sb spend some time on sth/(in) doing sth=it takes sb some time to do sth
sb spend some money on sth=it cost sb some money to buy sth

It costs me one and a half hours to finish my homework everyday.