I spend two hours on my homework every day 改同义句1.I spend two hours on my homework every day ___ _____me two huors ___ ___ my homework every day2.Why not go to the supermarket___ ____ ___ go to the supermarket3.we will take him to the supermarket___ ____him to the supermarket都是改同义句


I spend two hours on my homework every day 改同义句
1.I spend two hours on my homework every day
___ _____me two huors ___ ___ my homework every day
2.Why not go to the supermarket
___ ____ ___ go to the supermarket
3.we will take him to the supermarket
___ ____him to the supermarket

1 _It__ __takes___me two huors _to__ __do_ my homework every day
2 _Why__ __don't__ _you__ go to the supermarket
3 _We_ __take__him to the supermarket

1.It takes to do
2.Why don't you
3.Let's send