英语翻译A young Nancy D’Alesandro watched a friend reach her hand into a fishbowl filled with debate topics on little scraps of paper.


A young Nancy D’Alesandro watched a friend reach her hand into a fishbowl filled with debate topics on little scraps of paper.

A young Nancy D’Alesandro watched a friend reach her hand into a fishbowl filled with debate topics on little scraps of pape

直译:小Nancy D’Alesandro(人名,可不译,音同“南希.D.亚历山德拉”——译者注)见她一个朋友将手伸入这个满是碎纸屑般争议话题的玻璃鱼缸里.
转译:小Nancy D’Alesandro见其友人介入净是些琐碎争议话题的“局子”里.