


Hello everyone, I am a student of Grade 6, my name is ChangXinMiao, I have to give a speech on the topic of "civilization construction of new east 'civilization is a city or a family in the progress of human civilization is standard, and DongWuOu other important sign, so the new east it will original and old jiro and worship together, the population and the area is greatly increased, in the face of the combined new east civilization more are especially important, only to let two civilization of the jurisdiction of the people's peaceful coexistence, equality development, only then can let two civilization under the regional management as soon as possible into a routine, building into a new civilization city, so I say to you; 'we want to do a civilization' east, how should do a civilized jiro man? Civilization points material civilization and spiritual civilization, first from the material civilization to start, material civilization refers not only to the people and life everyday items, it also includes what we have streets, the sky, architecture, plants, etc... Especially the new east it kept many of the world civilization, to these historic sites wealth we is not only have, more is love them, they let us protect material to a civilized standards, good material civilization and spiritual civilization based, let it be complete and rich rise, whether old east or the original chongwen citizen, you should learn from each other, help each other and exchange. As a student of exchanges, the more we want to learn more, and for building a study of a new east civilization, let the new east force a better tomorrow!