英语翻译谁帮忙翻译下这句话 “在我有生之年,希望可以看到护照上出现这样一句话:不管你走到哪里,*和人民军队永远是你最坚强的后盾.” 一楼的sentences觉得没有后面的words用的好,还有最后一句个人感觉后面的翻译更准确,还是谢谢你的回答。


谁帮忙翻译下这句话 “在我有生之年,希望可以看到护照上出现这样一句话:不管你走到哪里,*和人民军队永远是你最坚强的后盾.”

I wish I can see this sentence on my passport during my lifetime: Wherever you are, People's * and Chinese Liberation Army will hold your back forever.

I wish in my lifetime that I could see the following words in my passport: People's Republic China and People's army are always your best protection.

(1) During my life time I hope these words appear printed on the passport:"Wherever you go,the People's * and the People's Army are forever your strongest protector." (2) During my lif...