英语翻译(1)一定要一回家就给我打一个电话.(do)(2)到15岁时,他已经录制了他的第一盒歌带.(by the time)(3)我对她试验获得成功很有信心.(pretty)(4)一听到这个消息,她惊讶得跳了起来.(at)(5)多亏了他的忠告,我才克服了困难.(able)(6)我们正要离开,就在那时,电话铃响了.(when)(7)丽贝卡在决赛中输了.(beat)(8)冬去春来.(follow)(9)更多的司机加入了罢工行列.(join)(10)你要不要再来点茶.(more)(11)这两个花瓶大小一样,但是颜色不同.(in)(12)A:今天的天气预报如何?B:气象预报员说会下雨.(rainy)


(2)到15岁时,他已经录制了他的第一盒歌带.(by the time)

Do call/phone me as soon as you get home.
He had recorded his first album by the time he was fifteen.
I am pretty confident about the success of her experiment.
She jumped up in a surprise at the news.
It was because of his advice that I was able to conquer the difficulties.
The phone rang when we were just about to leave.
Rebecca was beaten in the finals.
Spring follows winter.
More drivers joined the strike.
Would you like some more tea?
The two vases are the same size,but in different colors.
What's the weather forecast for today?The weather man said it's going to be rainy.