英语翻译读《爱的教育》有感 《爱的教育》采用日记的形式,讲述一个叫安利柯的小男孩成长的故事,建记录了他一年之内在学校、家庭、社会的所见所闻,字里行间洋溢着对祖国、父母、师长、朋友的真挚的爱,有着感人肺腑的力量.文章中孩子们所表现的更多的是闪光的美德,这正是小说颂扬的地方.小说记录了长辈们对孩子的教育和启示,附在日记后面还以第二人称写了他们呕心沥血的教子篇.这本小说在漫长的岁月里,它陪伴一代又一代的孩子成长.可以说,这是一本永远不会过时的书.它用爱塑造人,引导我们永远保持一颗勇于进取而善良真诚的心,爱祖国,爱人民,同情人民的一切不幸与苦难,这其中最令我难忘的是“医院的天使”.故事讲述的是一个叫齐启禄的小男孩,由于他的父亲到法国做工,前天回意大利.在那不勒斯市下船后突然生病,因此住进了医院.一面写信给他妻子,告诉她自己已经回国,及因生病入院的事.妻子得信后虽然担心,但因为有一个儿子正在病着,还有着正在哺乳的小儿,不能分身,不得叫大儿子到往看望父亲.孩子在医院却一直照顾着一个外人,最后不但不和真正的父亲



Reading of the love of education
The love of education take the form of a diary, tells the story of a little boy named An Like growth, building records his first year in school, family, society saw and heard, the lines filled with country, parents, teachers, friends, true love, with impressive power. Articles are more kids in virtue of Flash, this is a novel celebrating places. Fiction records the elders for their children's education and enlightenment, diary, followed by a second person had written them through painstaking effort to teach the child article. During the long years to this novel, which accompanied generation after generation of children to grow up. It can be said that this is a book never outdated. Imbue it with love, lead us to always keep a bold and enterprising and kind and sincere heart, and love for the motherland, love people, and sympathize with all the unfortunate people suffering
This is one of the most memorable to me "Hospital of Angels". The story was a little boy named Qi Qilu, due to his father to France to work the day before yesterday, back to Italy. After the Naples boat suddenly fell ill, so into the hospital. Wrote to his wife, telling her she had to return home and admitted to hospital due to illness. After wife worried about, but because one son is ill, there is suckling child, not o, not son to see his father. Children in the hospital has been taking care of an outsider, finally not only and not a true father came home, but insist on taking care of a stranger.
Love your loved ones should be, and is also easy, but if a person only knows how to love your family, in addition to family member who does not love, he is a pathetic person, he does not really understand love. Yet how many people are really going to feel to learn that kind of love?! looking then please take a look at the reality, which is not in the world is full of love, for the rich to the poor, many of them will truly love is seen as a luxury, money, benefit-oriented people.
I think that the love of education while talking about emotional education, brimming with life, love of nature, full of optimism, spirit. Reading is like when I go into the broader social, it's so I know a lot of things not textbooks to school. Each story telling friends friendship and would rather sacrifice their noble qualities inspired generations of children. Love could be better than a lot of things, it is not only that. I thought, "what love is" there is no definitive answer, but I've done for the consideration of love--love is great, great, great power.
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