中译英 我马上会到那里i am gonna be there soon?1 gonna be there soon?


中译英 我马上会到那里
i am gonna be there soon?
1 gonna be there soon?

I'll be there soon.(最常用的)
I’m gonna be there.(美国人多用)

i will be there soon

I'll be there right now.
楼主说的两个里边,第一句是对的,因为一般 gonna 相当于 “going to" 。前边要有 am 的

I will be there soon(比较常用)
I'm gonna be there soon

I'll be right there(这个应该很地道吧~)

将来时,I will go there soon

I am on the way.

I am gonna be there soon
书面语是I'll be there at once

I am going to(gonna) be there soon.
I gonna be there soon 是错的。因为gonna 是going to 的简写,所以going 前应该配助动词be(这里I 是 am)。