英语翻译1 这家医院创建于1950年 主 谓2 他因为车子开太快而违反交通规则 主 谓 宾3 你的故事听起来很有趣 主 系 表4 顺便问下,她把钱付给你了吗?主谓 间宾 直宾5 什么使你这样想的?主 谓 宾 补


1 这家医院创建于1950年 主 谓
2 他因为车子开太快而违反交通规则 主 谓 宾
3 你的故事听起来很有趣 主 系 表
4 顺便问下,她把钱付给你了吗?主谓 间宾 直宾
5 什么使你这样想的?主 谓 宾 补

This hospital has operated since 1950 .
He has violated the traffic regulations cause over speed limit .
Your story sounds very interesting .
By the way , did she pay for you ?
What makes you think so ?

1. This hospital was established in 1950 .
2. He broke the traffic regulations, because he drove too fast.
3. Your story sounds quite interesting.
4. By the way, has she paid the money back to you?
5. what makes you think like this?

1.The hospital was founded in 1950.2.He broke the traffic rules because he drove too fast.3.Your story sounds very interesting.4.By the way,did she offer you the money?5.What makes you think so?