英语翻译请给约翰带个口信吧.我们现在正在公园里.这是一个好天气,孩子们正玩的开心.他通常在下午五点回到家.你能给你哥哥回个电话吗?                              就这么五个句子啦求翻译!



Please take a message to John it.
We are now in the park.
This is a good weather, kids are fun.
He usually got home at five o'clock.
You can give your brother back to a phone?

Please take a message to John.
we are now in the park.
It is a fine day today, children are playing happily.
He usually gets home at 5:00 pm.
Can you make a call to your brother?

1 Please take a message to John .
2 We are now in the park.
3 It'a a nice day and the children are having a good time.
4 He usually gets home at 5:00 pm .
5 Could you please call your brother back.

1、Please take a message for John. We are in the park now.
2、 This is a good weather, the children are have a good time.
3、 He usually get home at five o 'clock in the afternoon.
4、Can you call your brother back?

Please take a message for John.
We are in the park now.
This is a good weather, the children are having a good time.
He usually gets home at five o 'clock in the afternoon.
Can you call your brother back?