英语翻译第一篇Numbers:Everyone's language.How many languages do you know?Everyone knows at least two his or her own language and the international language of numbers.Ancient numbers In ancient times,people wrote numbers in many different ways,as these pictures of the number 6 show.However,they nearly all counted in the same way--in tens.Zero The system of numbers that nearly everyone uses today consists of the numbers from 1 to 9 and 0 (zero).With these ten


Numbers:Everyone's language.How many languages do you know?Everyone knows at least two his or her own language and the international language of numbers.Ancient numbers In ancient times,people wrote numbers in many different ways,as these pictures of the number 6 show.However,they nearly all counted in the same way--in tens.Zero The system of numbers that nearly everyone uses today consists of the numbers from 1 to 9 and 0 (zero).With these ten numbers we can write any number from the biggest to the smallest.The Indians first invented and developed the 1 to 9 system of numbers.They then invented the zero.This was a very important invention because it made it easier to write big numbers and to calculate.Calculating machines One of the first calculating machines was an abacus.Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today.On the abacus in the picture,the beads on the wires represent ones,tens,hundreds and thousands starting from the bottom wire.The picture on the right shows a modern electronic calculator.It can add,subtract,multiply and divide.It can also calculate percentages and square roots.This picture shows a computer.Computers are very powerful calculating machines.In a flash,a computer can do a calculation that you could not do in your whole lifetime Brain against computer Some people call the brain a living computer.Is a human brain a more powerful calculator than a computer?The following story may give an answer.Shakuntala Devi is a lady from India with an amazing brain.She can calculate like lightning.In America,Shakuntala and a very powerful computer were given this problem to solve.Shakuntala's brain took fifty seconds to find the answer.The computer took a minute.However,before the computer could begin calculating,someone had to program it with instructions,and that took many hours.No one had to program Shakuntala!Use your own living computer to solve the problem above.If it is not powerful enough,you will find the answer on page 59

民数记:所有人的语言.如何多数语言做你知道?每个人知道至少二他的或她的自己的语言和民数记的国际的语言.远古的民数记在远古的时期,人书写民数记在多数不同的路,数的同样地.这些画6表示.然而,他们几乎全部的.计算在内一样方法:十进制.民数记那几乎每个人的零点系统使用今天组成民数记从1到9和0 (零点).有.这些十民数记我们能书写任何的数从大的到小的.印度的首先发明和发展1到9民数记的系统.他们然后发明零点.这是很重要的发明广告.因为它已制成的它更容易的到书写大的民数记和到计算.计算首先的机器一个计算机器是算盘.算盘是因而紧的和精确的那人寂静使用他们今天.在算盘在画,珠子在金属丝表现一个,十,数百和数千出发从底金属丝.画在正义表示现代的电子的计算机.它能增加,减去,繁殖和分.它能也计算百分数和正方形根.这画展计算机.计算机是很强大的计算机器.立刻,计算机能做推定那你可能不做在你的全部一生脑相反计算机一些人喊声脑生活计算机.是人脑更多的强大的计算机比计算机?下列各项故事可能弹性答案.Shakuntala Devi是女士从印度有惊异的脑.她能计算闪电般地.在美国,Shakuntala和很强大的计算机是赠予的这问题到解决.Shakuntala脑拿走五十秒到查找答案.计算机拿走分.然而,在前计算机可能开始计算,有人有到程序它有指示,而且拿走多数小时.没有人有到程序Shakuntala!使用你的自己的生活计算机到解决问题上面的.如果它是不强大的足够的,你将查找答案在页 59