1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市 He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ i1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ it.2.昨天她跟她父母吵架了Yesterday she argue_ __with_____ her parents.3.飞机起飞时你在干什么?What __did____ you ____do____ when the plane __take ___off_____?4.她说帮助别人改变了她的生活.She said __helping_____ others ____changed_____ her life.5.如果你出名了,人们会到处跟着你.___If___ you become famous,people _will______ __follow______ you everywhere.6


1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市 He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ i
He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ it.
Yesterday she argue_ __with_____ her parents.
What __did____ you ____do____ when the plane __take ___off_____?
She said __helping_____ others ____changed_____ her life.
___If___ you become famous,people _will______ __follow______ you everywhere.
How long __have____ you ____been____ ___collecting________ shells?
Would you mind ___keeping_____ your voice __down_______?
__what’s______ the best gift you _have____ ___ever____ __received_______?
六、句型转换 (8分)
1.Why don’t you go to the party with us?(同义句型装换)
__Why___not___ go to the party with us?
2.Could you please open the window?(同义句型装换)
__Would_____ you mind ___opening______ the window?
3.Work hard,and you’ll pass the exams.(同义句型装换)
4.I think there will be more pollution in 50 years.(否定句)
I __don’t_____ think there __will____ be more pollution in 50 years.
5.They will get home in half an hour.(划线部分提问)
___How___long_ ___will____ they get home?
6.I have stayed in this city for two months.(划线部分提问)
____How__ long have_______ you stayed in this city?
7.“Are you interested in Chinese?” David asked Leo.(变间接宾语)
David asked Leo __that ____ he __ was____ interested in Chinese.
8.Let’s clean our bedroom,_shall____ _we_______?(反义疑问句)

1-fell 3-took