.What do you think of students' taking part-time jobs?英语考试,要求300单词左右


.What do you think of students' taking part-time jobs?

1) a good part job can make you more experienced, make new friends, and learn what you can not learn from book,sametime, can make you grow up faster, and you can earn some money which can be very good courage for your confidence!
2) a bad part job will make you confused, evern worse , it will change your value to the world.
3) think carefully before your take a part job, for money or for career?
4) choose after you decided!

i think students should take part time jobs on campus. for more working experience, earn some money and apply what you have learned in school into practice

Taking a part-time job can be a very good experience for a student. ( List three reasons you can think of)However, it occupies a lot of spare time. Also (blah blah). That means a student taking part-t...