英语作文(急需!)My Healthy Lifestyle


英语作文(急需!)My Healthy Lifestyle

My healthy lifestyle I think I'm very healthy.Because I have a healthy lifestyle.I often exercise.It helps me keep in good healthy.I eat fruit every day.I love vegetables and eat them three times a week.And I usually drink milk.I sometimes drink coffee.I eat junk food about once a week.I always get up early.And I never smoke.我认为我非常健康.因为我有一个健康的生活方式.我常常锻炼.它帮助我保持健康.我天天吃水果.我喜爱蔬菜并且一周吃他们三次.并且我经常喝牛奶.我有时候和咖啡.我一周大约吃一次垃圾食品.我总是起得很早.我从不抽烟.