


Some days ago,I read a book-----Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, describes a fantastic story about the whole-boy land which happens during the world war in the future.
In a nuclear war, a plane carrying a group of boys met with a serious air attack and landed on a lonely island. There are no adults, just these little survivors, and then they began to live there.
At first, these boys could get along well with each other. But after the appearance of the so called "beast", the peace on the island had to be broken. The children were divided into two parts. One is led by Ralph, a twelve-year-old boy with fair hair. The other is led by a boy called Jack, who is about Ralph's age, with a skinner build and red hair. Later, because of their different personalities and the opinnions on building the small society around them, they began to fight with each other, and something tragic happened inevitably. The author tried to express his idea through the wonderful story and some fierce situations.
There are three main charaters in the novel, and they all have symbolized meanings.
The first one is Ralph, who is initially chosen as leader due to his many positive qualities. He maintains a conflict with Jack through the entire novel, attempting to keep order wherever Jack isn't concerned with it. In the novel, Ralph represents demorarcy, order and civilization.
The second one is Jack. His freckled face is described as being "ungly without sillinesss. At first, he is the leader of his choir group, who become hunters as the book process. Finally, his savage personality and ability to tell people what they want to hear allows him to overtake Ralph as chief. Apparently, Jack represents savagery, anarchy.
Piggy is a short and overweight boy who wears glasses. He suffes from asthma and doesn't care to do strenuous work on the island. He tries his best to keep peace and his glasses are used to make a fire. The symbolism of Piggy is intelligence.
Although the story happened among the children, the author showed us the human nature. There's a famous idiom in china that, everybody's nature is evil when he was born. It is said that everybody has something evil and dark inside. So if it is not controled by the civilization in time, the dark side of human nature will break out. Through the book, the author let us realize it more clearly, and he also showed us the consequence about it ------- fight and death. In this way , he indicated us that order and democrary are needed in the development of the society and everyone is supposed to follow the rules. Without rigid regulations, anarchy and savagery can come to light one day, leading the society to an end.
I like the novel very much, for I see the human nature through the simple story.

Gone With the Wind! It's a wonderful story. Great emotion plot always touch my heart. it is difficult to express once you enjoy it yourself. I can't find words now.

Books to Read Before You Die.
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith (1949)
During the 1930s,in a rambling,part-ruined castle deep in Suffolk,the Mortmain family are living a life of eccentric penury.James,the father,is struggling with writer’s block,trying to follow up the success of his first novel.His seventeen-year old daughter Cassandra has no such difficulty.She’s starting to write a journal in a six-penny notebook,and the rest of the household are a huge source of inspiration.There’s her stepmother,Topaz,an artist’s model,who enjoys painting,lute-playing,and naturism (but only at night-time,so as not to upset the neighbours.) Rose,Cassandra’s older sister,despairs at ever finding an eligible young man to rescue her from poverty.There’s also Stephen,the young odd job man,adopted into the family after his mother (their maid) died.He’s started to fall in love with Cassandra,and is copying out love poetry to prove it.
And then new neighbours arrive – Neil and Simon Cotton,young,well-to-do,half-American brothers,visiting their inherited ancestral home.Cassandra will soon fill up the six-penny notebook and move on to a shilling notebook as she describes their impact on the Mortmain family – and how her feelings for them,and her hopes for Rose,become more and more complex.And which brother will buy her the two guinea notebook,which will end with the words “I love you,I love you,I love you” written in the margin?
“I Capture the Castle” was Dodie Smith’s first novel,written after she had established herself as a successful playwright.She wrote it whilst living in Malibu,California,feeling by all accounts exiled from England – her husband was a conscientious objector and they had emigrated when war broke out.
An instant critical and commercial success,“I Capture the Castle” has been cherished by generations of readers.Joanna Trollope,Armistead Maupin,Antonia Fraser and Nick Hornby are among the book’s devotees.
“I Capture the Castle” is captivating.Cassandra is an enchanting narrator,a keen observer of her entertaining and complicated family.She’s always honest about herself,even when she thinks she is falling in love with the wrong person.(She’s very sharp,too,on what is required of ‘a successful writer’,and if she measures up.)
The descriptions of life in the castle and the Suffolk countryside are idyllic – and unsentimental.The novel is comforting,delightful,screamingly funny at times….and deeply moving about love and falling in love.