英语翻译根据下列提示,介绍一下自己最喜欢的两个餐馆、Restaurant name Jake's McDonald'sAtmosphere casual in a hurry Seats long benches small boothsMusic at a medium level noisySmoking smoking and non- no smokingsmoking section ps:字数在100字左右就可以了,还有,这本来是一张表格的,为了省时间就这样了,我已经分开来了,请注意,还有,这是高中阶段的作文,不用太难也可以,主要是要稍微通俗一点,


Restaurant name Jake's McDonald's
Atmosphere casual in a hurry
Seats long benches small booths
Music at a medium level noisy
Smoking smoking and non- no smoking
smoking section

My two favorite restaurantsSometimes I would like to have dinner at restaurants.And there are two which I prefer.One is Jake's.I would like to have dinner in there when I am free.It has long benches t...