

我是高一的,学的是人教版的英语 求帮反映一下6条中文 括号内的是提示词 1.他决定去山谷.由于他的态度很坚决,想往常一样,我们只好让步.(valley,attitude,determined,as usual,give in) 2.我们朝山谷缓慢而行,在寺庙下看见一个洞穴.(pace,temple,beneath,cave) 3.我们弯下腰,进入洞穴,发现了很多东西,如一小包毛织品,一个枕头,甚至一张保险单(insurance ticket).(bend,parcel,wool,pillow) 4.洞里还有火焰,水在沸腾呢.(flame,boil) 5.曾有人预测在午夜洞穴里的风景相当不错.(forecast,at midnight,view) 6.看来这些见解是可靠的.(view,reliable)

个人见解,有错勿怪. 1.He decided go to the valley.As his attitude was strong as usual,we had to give in. 2.We paced to the valley slowly, and saw the temple beneath there is a cave. 3.Bending into the cave,we have found manythings,such as a parcel of wool,a pillow,and even an insurance ticket. 4.There also have some flame and boiling water in the cave. 5.Once someone had forecast that the view in the cave must be beautiful at night. 6.It seems that these view are reliable.