It is cloudy ,(M ) it is going to rain later on I hope I can get good grades.改为同义句


It is cloudy ,(M ) it is going to rain later on I hope I can get good grades.改为同义句
He was busy,he went to bed until twelve last night ( 改错)
It is cloudy ,(M ) it is going to rain later on
I hope I can get good grades.改为同义句
很多奖法语的人 用英语怎么说

It is cloudy ,(maybe ) it is going to rain later on.
He was busy,he went to bed until twelve last night ( 改错:he 后面加 didn't)
I hope I can get good grades.同义句:I hope I can get perfect score.perfect score. 我没学过,应该没那么难吧这2个单词你应该认识吧?不过不认识,那你就用楼上几位写的 good grades 也可以的啊 呵呵请看问题补充,因为我是在做作业,所以会有一连串的问题,每次都会更新,所以请你每次回答前,看问题补充,谢谢many people who speak French请看问题补充,因为我是在做作业,所以会有一连串的问题,每次都会更新,所以请你每次回答前,看问题补充,谢谢How do you think about that means of transportation?