用合适的介词填空:1.How can I get ( ) the museum 2.Next year,there will be a lot ( )rain.对指定处提问:The girl is going to visit her friend by plane.对by plane提问:——————————————————?改为同义句:1.My mother often helps me with my homework.My mother often helps me ( ) my homework.2.Tanks for your help.Thanks for ( ) me.


1.How can I get ( ) the museum
2.Next year,there will be a lot ( )rain.
The girl is going to visit her friend by plane.
对by plane提问:
1.My mother often helps me with my homework.
My mother often helps me ( ) my homework.
2.Tanks for your help.
Thanks for ( ) me.

1.How can I get ( to ) the museum ?
2.Next year,there will be a lot ( of )rain

1.to 2.of

1.get to 到达
2.a lot of 许多
How is the girl going to visit her friend?

1.to 2.of when is the girl visit her friend ?

1.How can I get ( to ) the museum
2.Next year,there will be a lot ( of )rain.
The girl is going to visit her friend by plane.
对by plane提问:
How is the girl going to visit her friend by plane?
1.My mother often helps me with my homework.
My mother often helps me ( to do ) my homework.
2.Tanks for your help.
Thanks for ( your help for ) me.