

今天,天气依然很热.我走在马路上,突然看到两只吉娃娃!它们实在是太可爱了,我跑了过去,跟小狗的主人打了个招呼.主人说:这是我养的小狗.我点了点头.低头一看,越看越喜欢,越看越可爱.吉娃娃是身形很小的的狗,未成年的时候超可爱.我摸了摸小狗的头,打算离开,结果两只吉娃娃打起架来.oh ,我的天啊,它们打架玩耍的样子实在是太可爱了!

It's very hotel,today,I saw two Gdogs when I on the road.They were so cute excatly and I run to the master ,saying HELLO!The master told me that it was raised by him.I noded and noded.I looked the two dogs,they are so cute with a small type.I touched them softly.To my surprise,they begun to fight when I tend to leave...OMG,they are so cute even though when they are fighting!