- 吉林2011高考英语卷有篇英语文章a bad working memory大脑的工作记忆.求那篇阅读理解的全文翻译我要的是每句话的翻译.你们可以用软件弄成中文的
- 急修改2篇作文语法错误帮帮我修改下文章的错误之处,一定不要有语法错误,尽量改的简洁(语法简单,常用的单词).如果你愿意,可以做大的改动.★★★★★我的名字叫…,今年19岁,现在在校就读中.我的家在烟台,家里有爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和我,我们的家庭很幸福.我是一个很内向的人,情绪很容易受到外界环境的影响.同时我也很乐于助人.我有很多的朋友,他们给我带来了很多快乐.我的爱好很广泛,例如:足球、篮球、睡觉、看书、上网、听歌、历史.1,Introduce oneself ★I an xxx,19 years old this year,while studing in at school now.My home is in Yantai,there is my family,father,mather,elder sister and i,our family is very happy.I am a very introversive person,mood is very easy to be influe
- SAT语法题改文章I have become friends with two people who were fun to be around,but some part of me sensed that they were not trustworthy.【But then I would tell myself not to be suspicious of people,so I set my doubt aside.】(D)I set my doubt aside,however,telling myself not to be suspicious of people.请问原句为何不行...是因为不能有两个连词?
- 请你们帮我改我写的英语文章Do you think having a hobby is good for people's life?In what way?-Of course good,because i think hobby is not work,some rest kind ofWhen i imagine about a work that give me feel enjoying and hard but hobby just give me enjoying.Are there any negative effects of a person spending too much time on their hobby?What are they?- If you have much money i could say just whateverbut usually doing a work is important than playing a hobby.If you sp
- 我写的文章 求改(英文)The benefit of having a main language If there no one main language.We will not be able to exchange. There also want to express to express their meaning is not clear.So,It's very important to master a language. morever,to learn or learn or master a language is a pleasure.As:it let you know the culture of a country……It's a lot culture of a country ……It's a lot of fun. The benefit of having a main language.
- 请帮我改一下这篇英语文章,上海世博带给我许多ShangHai Expo Bring Me A LotEverybody knows the two thousand and ten Shanghai world expo held in China?It iet us know that we have lots of proble now.And it iet me know that how important to protect the enThe world expo to China promoted the economic development and promoting international cooperation,speeds up the domestic infrastructure construction,but also show oneself civilization,is a great opportunity.The world expo let me
- 这篇文章有无语法错误,怎么改?In my opinion, the question-oriented reading should be like this. Firstly, we need to read through several classical theory works recommended by our tutors. And then, study it. During studying, we should first find out the connections between chapters or theories, or trace the evolvements of one theory, and then find the questions in the links between chapters or different forms of one theory which are in different times. Once you find
- 一个人买了2元1角6分钱的铅笔,如果一支铅笔的价格少1分,那么他可以用这些钱多买3支铅笔.他原来可以买_支铅笔.
- 夸奖一个人文章写得好可以用哪些词语
- 赞美俞伯牙的《高山流水》,贝多芬的《月光曲》,我们可以用();面对一件精美的工艺品,我们可以说();而当我们读到一篇好文章时,可以说().用雕梁画栋,阳春白雪,不同凡响,脍炙人口,古色古香,漫不经心,余音绕口,独具匠心,雅俗共赏来填空.
- 为什么完全竞争厂商利润最大化可表示为mc=mr也可为mc=p
- 关公赴会--单刀直入的典故