

好像也没什么好说的,就是感谢他.他在上次信中说Do not work to hard or you could be a long time dead.要我不要太努力的工作,否则就要变成一个dull person.我想跟他说我不是一个dull person.

How are you doing David?
I`m delightful to get your letter,sorry for being late to reply you.
Thank you so much for inviting me and assist me on applying visa.I appreciate that you`ve been arranging my affairs since I filled the paper works till made the appointment.Hope it doesn`t bother you too much.
By the way,Chinese are always hard working,but it doesn`t mean we are nerd.:p
You are so nice to me,thank you again,I do believe we will spend a pleasant vacation in British.