

a woman writer in Paris who spent his most part of life,Stein said to Hemingway and other young writers,"You are the lost generation." Hemingway really appreciate this statement,Then he used it as his first novel "The sun also rises "Inscription (another Inscription from the Bible ·Ecclesiastes:"a generation later,another generation has arrived;Earth forever ").With the success of the novel and swept a,The "Lost Generation" will spread like wildfire,as the official name of this literary genre,Hemingway has become an outstanding representative of the "Lost Generation" literature and recognized spiritual leader.Hemingway to the First World War and postwar life experiences,published a short story "Big Two Hearted River" in 1924,describes the hero Zernike home from World War demobilization after the war's shadow like a nightmare in He haunts him anxious all day depressed,dispirited,doing nothing.In order to get rid of the scars left by the war in his soul,had to use fishing to pass the time.This is Hemingway first to write a novel with "Lost" color.He then written the novel "The Sun Also Rises",
升起》的题辞之一 ( 另一条题辞出自《圣经·
传 道书》:“一代过去了,另一代又来临; 但是
时,“迷惘的一代”便不胫而走,成为这一文学 流 派的正式名称,海明威便成 了“迷 惘 的 一 代”文学的杰出代表和公认的精神领袖.海明威以自己参加第一次世界大战和战 后的生活经历为基础,在 1924 年发表了短篇 小 说《大二心河》,描写主人公涅克从欧战复 员回家后,战争的阴影像梦魇一样在他心中 挥之不去,他整日苦闷彷徨,萎靡不振,无所 事事.为了摆脱战争在他心灵深处留下的创 伤,只好用钓鱼打发时光.这是海明威最早写 的一篇带有“迷惘”色彩的小说.接着他又写 成 长篇小说《太阳照样升起》,
