英文好的 销售英语面试


英文好的 销售英语面试
近期参加一个非常重要的销售英语面试 有两个问题想请您帮我总结一下答案 希望尽量多写点 有层次有质量的英语回答 1.why do you apply for this job?(首先来说 我不是学销售的 没有这方面的经验) 2(重点是这个,不要只回答几个单词 最好能单一列举并说出点理由) what qualities/attributes do you think a good salesman should possess?

1. I like to meet and communicate with different people. Each person has his own talents and experience, talking with them to find out what they really need and what they really think sounds fantastic...