句型转换(对划线部分提问)He stole _my__purse________________________________________They met __on__ the__ other_ side__ of__ the_ river____________________________________The train left ___a__few____minutes____ago_____________________________________________My father___picked___up____the____phone___and__dialed____110____________________________________________The men held out _a__bag_______________________________________My father amd I waited for __the_ferry____


He stole _my__purse_____
They met __on__ the__ other_ side__ of__ the_ river
The train left ___a__few____minutes____ago_____
My father___picked___up____the____phone___and__dialed____110__
The men held out _a__bag_____
My father amd I waited for __the_ferry______

What did he steal?
Where did they meet?
When did the train leave?
What did your father do?
What did the men hold out?
What did your father and you wait for?