

Sometimes when you just don’t have the people around you no matter how hard you try,you just got to find it in yourself to keep going.Because in the end,you are the master of your own fate.You are the captain of your soul.Take charge of your life.If someone comes along,great.If no one does,there’s no excuse either not to be moving forward
还有you just got to find it in yourself to keep going中的it指的啥?又为什么是in youeself?

when 当...时候when后面的整个句子到try,引导一个状语从句,表示条件,“有时候不管你多么努力,你周围都没有人支持你”,you just go 这个句子是主句.“你尽管给自己找个理由继续前进”后面是“因为到最后,你会发现你才...