求翻译: Imagination is not a talent of some people, but is the health of every person.
求翻译: Imagination is not a talent of some people, but is the health of every person.
网上的翻译都是:“想象力不是某些人的天赋,而是每个人都拥有的健康.”觉得很别扭,不合适,求高人指点~ PS:出处,来自美国作家Ralph Waldo Emerson~
想象力并非某些人独有的天赋,而是健全人士都应有的思维能力.你的意思是原句省略了?Imagination is not a talent of some people, but is the talent of the health of every person.好像也有点不对劲!!health 除了健康,还有什么其他翻译的意思呢?the health of every person 你体会下 是每个人的健康 直译肯定有误 是中文逻辑 其实 意思为 but is like healthy mind to every person 我的研读体会 纯属交流 不过 emerson嘛 我老熟了 呵呵~