

Directions: There are errors to be corrected in the following passage. No line has more than one error and some lines are error free. Proofreading the passage in this way.
• For a wrong word, underlined the wrong word and write the correct word in the blank provided at the end of the time.
• For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a [∧] sign and write the word you supply in the blank provided.
• For an unnecessary word, strike off the unnecessary word with a slash [ / ] and write the word you delete in the blanks provided.
• For an errorless line, put a tick [√] in the blank provided.
[1] Many aids which are advertising as liberating theadvertised
[2] modern woman tend to have ∧ opposite effect,∧the
[3] because they simply change to the nature of /to
[4] work instead of eliminating it. √
Football is said to have started in Britain
[51] while the University of Cambridge made the first ___________
[52] rules in 1848. But in fact many nations had ____ ___
[53] played with some form of football for many centu-______________
[54] ries before that. In china, for instance, people ______________
[55] began playing “zu qiu” for over 2000 years ago.____________
[56] Moreover, before the 19th century, football was ______________
[57] rather a dangerless game, often with hundreds of______________
[58] people played together. So it was banned for ______________
[59] some time. During the 19th century revived ______________
[60] and spreaded very quickly. Today the game has ______________
[61] become popular all over the world that when- ______________
[62] ever the World Cup is on it watched on TV in ______________
[63] about one hundred different countries. Europe ______________
[64] has the greater number of players—fourteen ______________
[65] million. South American too is very strong.______________
[66] Despite they do not have as many players, they ______________
[67] are do very well in the World Cup. The most ______________
[68] famous team of modern times is Brazil, but______________
[69] Brazil’s Pele is the most famous player. When______________
[70] he went to Nigeria during a war, both the sides______________
stopped fighting for two days to see him play.

Football is said to have started in Britain[51] while the University of Cambridge made the first __√_______[52] rules in 1848.But in fact many nations had _√_ _ __[53] played with some form of footb...