用英语描述一部电影--辛普森一家提纲:1.what kind of movie2.who is in it3 when did it take place4 where did it take place5.story its about6.in the end.7 .what did people say about it 如果你没看过辛普森一家,也可以讲别的电椅国内,一定要知名度较高,有趣的,一定说话算数.1.动画喜剧2.辛普森一家5.故事是关于环境污染,辛普森是个自私的人,他只关心他自己,当他所在的村民竭力清理他们的河时,他却将猪大便倒进河水里,造成了严重的污染,美国*为解决这一问题,只好制造了个巨大的玻璃罩子把这个镇封了起来,只有辛普森一家逃了出去,经历了这些,辛普森感到非常内疚,最终用智慧拯救了村民


1.what kind of movie
2.who is in it
3 when did it take place
4 where did it take place
5.story its about
6.in the end.
7 .what did people say about it

Anyone in America heard of The Simpsons. It's an animated 'sitcom' that's been running on Fox for the past18 years. It's possibly the longest running animated sitcom of all time. "The Simpsons Movie", is witty,fast paced, touching, hugely entertaining and most importantly: laugh out loud funny.
"The Simpsons Movie", is based on the FOX cartoon series about Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. The show relies on the conventions of situation comedy, with the stuff of everyday life being funny. The family has a wacky neighbor, Ned Flanders, who is a widower and evangelical. Homer works for Mr. Burns, an archetypal robber baron for our day. Marge is a stay-at-home mom who struggles to keep her family fed, both physically and spiritually.
The movie took place in Springfield. Time is unknown.
Homer adopts a pig who's run away from Krusty Burger.At the same time, the lake is protected after Green Day sunk in Lake Springfield. In the mean time, Spider Pig's waste has filled up a silo. Homer dumped the silo in the lake, polluting it. Russ Cargill, the leader of EPA, received an order to destroy Springfield, and to put a dome over Springfield to prevent evacuation. Homer, however, has escaped, along with his family, to Alaska.
At the end, Homer and Bart saved the Springfield town and its people by removing the bomb and distroyed the dome. He's the hero again.
Throught out the movie, every joke makes you laugh. There are excellent quotes and great moments. Homer is as funny as in the show.
The Simpsons Movie might be the funniest animation movie ever made. You can laugh the whole film through. For Simpsons Fan it will be the best of all feelings to watch this movie.