

Consider a government that wants to provide cheap housing to its population.In order to promote the construction of apartment buildings,the government promises not to impose rent control programs in the future.
A:once the apartment buildings are in place.Would the government want to keep its promise not to impose rent control?
B:If the private sector knows that the government will not keep its promise,would they have the same incentive to construct of apartment buildings?
C:what is the optimal policy for the government to pursue?

A 一旦廉租公寓建成,*会践行其不实施租房管制的承诺吗?
B 假如私企得知*不会践行其承诺,他们会不会因为利益驱使参与到廉租房的建设当中去?
C *的最优策略会是什么呢?