

How are you doing.I hope everything is lucky for you.
Recently I have met LK die casting machine maker's important person in Shenzhen where is LK main office and developing center.I have mentioned about your company is going to produce vacume automobile construction parts for high quality auto,and I have mentioned that you are interesting about LK diecasting machine.LK are very interesting about your project.But I said LK diecasting machine need to improve injection syster to mactch your vacume systerm,LK said they want to pay more attention even to orgenize a group to match your project.
Now they want to invint you to go to Shenzhen to visit their plant and developing center or they want you to date a time and LK group to visit you in Jinan,how about your idear?Please answer me and maybe I will with them together to talk you.

先问一下,楼主的这段英文应该有若干单词拼写错误吧?invint是invite吧,syster是system吧?以下翻译在必要地方有信息的增补,尽量保证了不错译,无漏译.一切还好吗?愿诸事顺利.近来我与LK 压铸机制造商在深圳的主公司兼LK...