


【The relations between parents and their children also play an important role in
the growth of children】近期对我校学生进行了关于“学生眼中的父母”的问卷调查,结果如下:学生眼中的父母,仅有百分之十认为父母是他们最好的朋友;百分之十五只把父母当成衣食住行的提供者的英文翻译only ten percent of the students think their parents are their best friends; fifteen percent of the students only regard their parents as providers of basic necessities of life.我认为这百分之十五的学生不懂体贴父母,其他学生认为父母与他们很疏远,父母与孩子们疏远的原因是,他们对孩子的要求太高,对他们过于严厉,另一个是父母忙于工作,与孩子们的交流太少,不够了解孩子的内心世界的英文翻译In my opinion,that fifteen percent of the students don't know how to show consideration for parents, other students may think that they are not in close touch with their parent. One of the reason is that the parents asked too much of the children, and they are too strict with them, the other one is that the parents is too busy with work, the communicate between the children and the parents aretoo little, they do not know what the children want deep down in their heart.望采纳,也祝假期愉快谢谢帮助you're welcome ,Happy holidays