If you or your students are looking up words from every sentence,the reading level is too high.looking up words from eve


If you or your students are looking up words from every sentence,the reading level is too high.looking up words from every sentence是什么意思?
上下文是这样的:Choosing appropriate reading materials can be difficult for learners and teachers.When you are trying to choose text to read in a different language,you may feel overwhelmed.Reading should be interesting and the level should not be too difficult.If you or your students are looking up words from every sentence,the reading level is too high.

如果你或者你的学生每个句子都要查单词,那这阅读难度也太高了吧.这样就没有讽刺的意思了.level可以指人的level,说明能力高低;也可以指物体,说明难度高低;所以翻译要看语境.不然会意思差好多.look up 是查阅词汇或...